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Post Award

Postaward Administration

Research Channel Routing Form

The Research Channel is an intranet application that we utilize to record and track research and/or extramurally sponsored projects. Each project’s record begins with the generation and completion of a Routing Form that provides a snapshot of the project. A Routing Form is required for all projects regardless if it is internally or externally supported. The Routing Form serves to document your projects, provide sufficient information to others who will approve or oversee your research activities, and ensure fiscal accountability.

To access the Research Channel, log into Loyola’s intranet Application Portal at https://portal.luhs.org/templates/dean/index.cfm

The Research Channel is behind the security firewall, and you will need to use Loyola Secure Access (LSA) to log in. If you need assistance in setting up LSA/Global Protect, the ITS Service Desk can assist. Please contact the ITS Service Desk at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu or by phone at 773-508-4487, or make a request via the ITS Service Portal.

General Postaward Reference Materials



Postaward Administration

Research Channel Routing Form

The Research Channel is an intranet application that we utilize to record and track research and/or extramurally sponsored projects. Each project’s record begins with the generation and completion of a Routing Form that provides a snapshot of the project. A Routing Form is required for all projects regardless if it is internally or externally supported. The Routing Form serves to document your projects, provide sufficient information to others who will approve or oversee your research activities, and ensure fiscal accountability.

To access the Research Channel, log into Loyola’s intranet Application Portal at https://portal.luhs.org/templates/dean/index.cfm

The Research Channel is behind the security firewall, and you will need to use Loyola Secure Access (LSA) to log in. If you need assistance in setting up LSA/Global Protect, the ITS Service Desk can assist. Please contact the ITS Service Desk at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu or by phone at 773-508-4487, or make a request via the ITS Service Portal.

General Postaward Reference Materials

